This page is a venue for church leaders and others who have been touched by our ministry to share their support.
"For Christians, the words of Jesus compel us to recognize Christ himself in each of our abandoned or excluded brothers and sisters. God loves every man and woman with infinite love and thereby confers 'infinite dignity' upon all humanity. If we go to the ultimate source of that love which is the very life of the triune God, we encounter the community of the three divine Persons the origin and perfect model of all life in society. For this reason, it is important that catechesis and preaching speak more directly and clearly about the social meaning of existence, the fraternal dimension of spirituality, our conviction of the inalienable dignity of each person, and our reasons for loving and accepting all our brothers and sisters."
Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, 85-86


"What they [FFF parents] hope for is that our Church will become more loving and understanding of the worth and dignity of their children. I assured them that not only could I respect and love their children, I was obliged to do so by the same Gospel mandate that governs the entire Church."
Cardinal Wilton Gregory, former Archbishop of Atlanta,
The Georgia Bulletin, Oct. 16, 2014
Fortunate and Faithful Families is one of the most effective of Catholic ministries for families with LGBTQ members. Their approach is pastoral, compassionate, and above all, loving."
James Martin, SJ, author of Building a Bridge


"Fortunate and Faithful Families is a ministry in the Archdiocese of Atlanta that urges families to draw upon reservoirs of faith, hope, and love as families of LGBT children face uncharted futures. It assures families that the Church offers enormous spiritual resources to strengthen and support them at this moment in their family's life and in the days to come.
Pope Francis has made it clear that the Catholic Church must welcome all of her sons and daughters- no matter what their sexual orientation or life situation might be. We have not always done so with a spirit of compassion and understanding. We must remember that they are Always Our Children.
I encourage this group to continue to meet and pray together. I know they will be most willing to speak to any family who contacts them. They have my support as do their children. Let us continue to pray for the strengthening of all families."
The Most Reverend Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM Conv.
Archbishop of Atlanta